PT Indosat Ooredoo (lengkapnya PT Indosat Tbk.) adalah nama dari salah satu perusahaan penyedia jasa telekomunikasi dan jaringan telekomunikasi di Indonesia. Perusahaan ini menawarkan saluran komunikasi untuk pengguna telepon genggam dengan pilihan pra bayar maupun pascabayar dengan merek jual Matrix, Mentari dan IM3; jasa lainnya yang disediakan adalah saluran komunikasi via suara untuk telepon tetap (fixed) termasuk sambungan langsung internasional IDD (International Direct Dialing), serta jasa nirkabel dengan merk dagang StarOne. Perusahaan ini juga menyediakan layanan multimedia, internet, dan komunikasi data (Multimedia, Internet & Data Communication Services). Pada tahun 2011 perusahaan ini menguasai 21 persen pangsa pasar masyarakat Indonesia.
Saat ini PT Indosat Ooredoo membuka lowongan kerja dengan posisi sebagai berikut:
Account Executive
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
Account Executive
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
- Selling total solution B2B Product for corporate in Makassar ( South Sulawesi ) area
- Develop sales team activity to achieve Gross Sales Target, Nett Sales target and Revenue Target
- Create and propose Selling Strayegy Program for South Sulawesi
- Create inovation of prospecting activity to be a consultant for customer needs with corporate target guaranteed
Persyaratan :
- Strong analytical and planning skills;
- Good communication and presentation skills;
- Excellent problem-solving skills;
Treasury Officer - FTO4001
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
Gambaran Pekerjaan :
- Preparing the analysis and closely monitor company cash flow conditions including preparing cash flow projection
- Assisting to raise the funds from money market or capital market subject to the approved funding plan and strategies
- Preparing the CVA of the MTM/fair value valuation of the Company derivative positions and conducting the internal calculation of the MTM
- Providing the banks performance calculation/counterparty exposure limit
- Providing the bank analysis for setting up new relationship, especially related to the requirement to the excess cash placement
- Minimum Qualifications
Persyaratan :
- Minimum bachelor degree (S1) from Business & Financial Management or Accounting
- Experience
- Having knowledge of investment portfolio strategy, banking, financial instruments and market derivative
- Minimum 2 years working experience
Kemampuan :
Juni 2018
Pendaftaran dilakukan melalui online
- Good Negotiation Skill and Analytical Skill.
- Has suitable soft and hard/technical competency in financial
- Fluent in English both oral and written
- Awareness of technology options available on the market and how these are applied to deliver improvements.
- Ability to build relationship with banks and/or financial institution. Able to operate Windows, SAP Module, Bloomberg/Reuters terminal and Internet Banking.
Juni 2018
Pendaftaran dilakukan melalui online